Holy Trinity Prayer

Dear Holy Trinity, united in perfect love, You are three conceived in one Being.  Oh, Holy Trinity come down upon me for I Your poor miserable servant call upon you. Oh Father, You are mighty and have great things for me.  I am your servant.  Use me as You wish.  O, loving caring Jesus, You… Continue reading Holy Trinity Prayer

Prayer of Forgiveness

Ask the Holy Spirit to show you who you need to forgive, (family, friend, abuser, myself) Picture the person in front of you and pay attention to what you feel. Make an account of the debt the person owes you.  What did he or she take from you; how did the person hurt you?  It… Continue reading Prayer of Forgiveness

Daily Chaplet to God our Father

Opening Prayer Dearest God our Father, I humbly ask that on my journey home to you, Your Holy Angels protect and guide me; that your Blessed Saints in Heaven intercede for me, and that your Suffering Souls in Purgatory pray for me, as I pray for them now. Amen. Pray 1 Hail Mary Jesus, my… Continue reading Daily Chaplet to God our Father