The God-shaped hole

by Page Zyromski We’re born with a God-shaped hole in our hearts, one of the saints tells us.  It’s a space for God alone.  Until we recognize what it is, we try to fill it up by stuffing earthly things into it—possessions, activities, self-importance.  It’s like trying to force the wrong piece of a jigsaw… Continue reading The God-shaped hole

Ways that God speaks

How does God speak?  God speaks externally and internally.  Externally, He speaks through creation (a sunset, flowers, the ocean), signs, and symbols, sacraments, nature, science, people, events, circumstances, books, The Church, the Bible, the Pope, bishops, priests, the lives o the saints, through husbands, wives, children and even through our failures. Internally, God speaks primarily… Continue reading Ways that God speaks

Categorized as Finding God


God’s Timing Is Always Perfect God’s never early, never late, but always on time. Our timing isn’t God’s timing.  For us, God’s timing often feels like a long, desperate delay. God’s perfect timing does two things:   It grows our faith as we are forced to wait and trust in God and it makes certain… Continue reading Bloom

Your Enough

Several years ago as I was getting ready to leave my home for my scheduled Eucharistic Adoration time with Jesus. I heard this voice in my heart say, “leave the books at home”! I had a habit of taking a couple of books to read as I sat with Jesus during my hour. I took… Continue reading Your Enough

Holy Trinity Prayer

Dear Holy Trinity, united in perfect love, You are three conceived in one Being.  Oh, Holy Trinity come down upon me for I Your poor miserable servant call upon you. Oh Father, You are mighty and have great things for me.  I am your servant.  Use me as You wish.  O, loving caring Jesus, You… Continue reading Holy Trinity Prayer

All Glory Be

‘All Glory Be’  I was taught this prayer at the age of 4 or 5 by my mother.  I have prayed it every day since.  This prayer for many years was prayed with an absence of thought of what it really mean’t for me in my life.   Many years later I professed to the… Continue reading All Glory Be