Created for the Supernatural Life

A healthy soul & spirit affects the whole of our life, nothing is left out, every piece of our life is touched by our spirituality. We do live in the Supernatural, we just don’t recognize it. We allow the secular world to control our lives. We begin to adhere to the secular laws and overlook the laws of our Creator, God.   We must have a strong will to center ourselves between the Secular and the Supernatural worlds.  God made us for both worlds to live in, not just one!  

We must place God first in our lives to maintain a good solid balance between both.  We need to remember we are spiritual beings first and foremost.  We are mean’t for God, we are His family.  We have a heavenly Father God, a heavenly brother, Jesus and a teacher, protector and comforter who is with us every moment of the day, Holy Spirit.  God’s Providence is so good!!

In reality we are on earth as sojourners/ pilgrims waiting to be called to our real home… which is…Eternity. Life is lived one spiritual transformation to another, Blessing to Blessing or from Beginning to Beginning. When we think deeply about how we have lived our life with the many challenges we’ve faced, we realize an experience fully lived is an ending we must be grateful for as we look forward to a ‘New Beginning which Our Lord has provided for us. 

We must recognize nothing ever stays the same except God, His Way & His Truth. So if we are looking for stability/balance we must look to God and live within His boundaries. True Freedom can only come from our loving Father. 

He created us, He knows us better than we know ourselves and when we commit to His Will (not our own) we realize what Truth, Trust, Love, Balance, Stability & Peace really means! We begin to recognize every little miracle God allows in our life; while experiencing true Joy & Freedom in His Love. 

Best of all He reveals you to you, the you He made you to be; not the person life experiences made you. He does this through your commitment to setting aside time for daily prayer.  So choose God and truly live! 

Our reality is God Created you & God will Claim you when He decides your work on earth is done. God’s love & His laws are written on our hearts. All we have to do is dig deep within our interior soul to find the treasure, the gift of Him & Eternal life. 

Until next time,
