The God-shaped hole

by Page Zyromski

We’re born with a God-shaped hole in our hearts, one of the saints tells us.  It’s a space for God alone.  Until we recognize what it is, we try to fill it up by stuffing earthly things into it—possessions, activities, self-importance.  It’s like trying to force the wrong piece of a jigsaw puzzle into a space not meant for it.  We don’t know why we’re not satisfied, so we search for novelty in the things we cram into the hole.

We must slow our pace and take the time to recognize when it is time to unclog that hole, to clear out all the litter.  What obstructions are blocking the space we give to God in our lives?  Are we offering him a temporary parking space, because of crises in our life, or a permanent dwelling?

If we are faithful lovers of our God, something wonderful happens.  We want to give God more and more room.  The loving feeling lasts longer and longer, the God-shaped hole enlarges!

Like a dilated pupil in the eye, people see more and more of God in us and less and less of our own willfulness.  We’re able to say with John the Baptist and the great saints, “He must increase and I must decrease.”

One day we suddenly realize that when Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord,” the God-shaped hole in her heart was the largest of all.  Not only could people see God in her life, they could see him magnified, enlarged!

Hope you enjoyed the God-Shaped Hole…God’s Blessings to all my Brothers and Sisters in Christ.  Until next time, Peace…Eva