Fruits of the Spirit

There is only one way to find God, and that is by prayer.

St. Teresa of Avila

You will become My disciples and experience the Fruits of the Holy Spirit

Jesus says, “In this way you will become my disciples.’ There are three things that every one of us does all day long no matter whether we are sinner or saint, pagan or christian. We worship, we love and we disciple that which we worship and love. The woman who is into soaps, loves soaps and spends most of her time and energy in front of the television set watching them. And what does she talk about? Obviously, the soaps.

The young man who is into motorcycles, loves motorcycles. And what does he talk about? Motorcycles. The person who is into Jesus, loves Jesus and disciples Jesus. Jesus said, “If you abide in Me and listen to My Word, you will become My disciples.” This follows as night follows the day, the God we are into will be the God that we love and the God who we worship and love will be the God who we proclaim in our words.

The fruits of being a disciple of the Lord are love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, kindness and self-control.

Every day you will have the conviction that I love you, as my Father loves Me

Jesus says, “I really and truly love you just as much as the Father loves me.” Jesus can only love 100%, that is, with all His mind and heart. And the Father loves Jesus with all His mind and heart. This is an amazing realization that I am loved by Jesus just as much as Jesus is loved by His Father. If you close your eyes, often you will hear Him say, “I love you. Yes, it is you that I love. You are precious in my eyes, and honored. Be not afraid. I am always with you because I love you.”

You will have perfect joy even in the midst of your trials and temptations.

Jesus said, “The reason that I’m saying all of this to you is that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be perfect.” Jesus promises us perfect

peace and joy in the midst of our trials. Corrie Ten Boom who was portrayed in the movie. “The Hiding Place,” had a poem that said. “If you look within, you will be depressed. If you look about, you will be distressed. So, look at Jesus and be at rest.” The more we focus on Christ, the more peace and joy will be in our hearts.

You will be able to love one another with the overflow of that love, which is not human love, but is My love.

Jesus says, “Love one another as I have loved you. The greatest love a man can have for his friends is to lay down his life for them.” There is a special love that is THE gift of the Holy Spirit. It is the very love of Jesus in our hearts enabling us to have the length, the breadth and the height and the depth of His marvelous love. The height of this love is that it comes from God. The more we are in to Him, the more He, who is love, is in us. The depth of this love is that it loves the unlovable, forgives the unforgivable, reaches the unreachable, and touches the untouchable. It loves the beggar, the drug addict, the criminal. The breadth of this love is that it loves everyone you meet and the length of this love is that it keeps on loving no matter what. There is no end to it. It is Christ and His Spirit loving others in us and through us.

You will not be strangers but intimate friends whom I will tell where to go, what to do, and what to say.

Jesus says, “I have not called you to be strangers, for a stranger does not know what the Master is about. I called you to be friends because I tell you everything that I hear from My Father.” This will be the impact of the lesson in these writings. We are not to be strangers who do not hear the voice of the Lord, but God’s intimate friends to whom He tells everything.

I will choose you in a ministry of love so powerful that every single thing you ask the Father in My Name, He will give to you. Jn 15:5-25

Jesus says, “You have not chosen me, I have chosen you; and I appoint you now to bear much fruit so that the Father will give you everything you ask in my name.” Each one of us has a divine call upon our lives to continue across our time and space the receptive healing, loving work of Jesus. It is the Spirit of Christ working in us and through us, empowering us to reach out to one another. In the line of this ministry, God wants to give us everything we ask in the name of Jesus. So ask and you shall receive.

It is therefore most important that we hear God speak to us.

“Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening. Incline my heart to Your words, and let your speech come unto me as dew upon the grass.” -Thomas ‘a Kempis

“Oh, if souls would only want to listen to My voice when I am speaking in

the depths of their hearts, they would reach the peak of holiness in a short time.” -Diary of St. Faustina (584)

To abide in Christ and hear His voice, we must learn to put Christ in EVERYTHING. (Jn 15:5-25).

* Give to Jesus the first part of every day
* Go to Him. First with every decision
* Go to Him first with every problem, worry, fear, sin, and weakness * Give Him the first place in your heart
*Give Him the last part of every day

To be continued…

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