All Glory Be

‘All Glory Be’ 

I was taught this prayer at the age of 4 or 5 by my mother.  I have prayed it every day since.  This prayer for many years was prayed with an absence of thought of what it really mean’t for me in my life.  

Many years later I professed to the Lay Franciscan Third Order.  After my profession I experienced an epiphany or a ‘God Moment’ and this same prayer seemed to be full of deep meaning for me like never before!

So I am inviting you to join me, as I dissect this powerful little prayer, so you get the big meaning of it as Holy Spirit taught me one day after my hour of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament!

All Glory be 

Worshipful praise, honor, and thanksgiving to God.

to the Father

The Father is the sole Source of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

and to the Son

The Son, Jesus, is the second person of the Trinity.  

He is of two natures Human and Divine, 

He speaks only what the Father asks Him to speak.

and to the Holy Spirit,

The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity 

created from the love of God the Father and God the Son. 

as it was in the beginning 

Each person of the Trinity was present when all the Universe was created.

is now and ever shall be

God always was, always is and always will be…God never changes, we do!

 world without end.  

Equivalent to “eternal” or “everlasting.” It means that God, who has always existed, is now being praised by a human being who hopes to continue praising God forever in heaven. 


So Be It…I Believe

Helpful Source, Fr. John Hardon, Catholic Dictionary

Eph 3:14-15…for this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named.
 Eph 3:21…to him be Glory in the Church and in Jesus Christ for all generations, forever and ever. Amen
Psalm 90:2…Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting thou art God.
Gal 4:6…And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying  “Ab’ba! Father!”

In conclusion, this ‘God Moment’ with the Holy Spirit brought about a wonderful change in my prayer life.  Everyday I express my Gratitude to Him for His love and for all the graces He has bestowed upon me.   I have a greater love for the Father as He graces me with smidgeons of understanding of His ways.  I have learned the Virtue of obedience through Jesus example and the Holy Spirit has been a source of training and teaching me about the Trinity.  He has blessed me with a strong desire to learn all that I can about the Trinitarian Love.  Holy Spirit gives me direction when I ask Him and takes part in every decision that needs to be made..reprimands me when He needs to! He continues to keep me on the narrow path and encourages me to share and testify to His Ways.

We never know when Holy Spirit will present Himself.  He is with us every minute of the day and speaks to us regularly.  We need to be silent and listen to hear His voice.

All Glory must go to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.  I always look forward with great anticipation to Holy Spirit’s visits.  The consolations are wonderful but never expected, just to be in His Presence is enough.

God’s Peace Until next time…Eva